How to get rid of parasites?

To get rid of parasites, you must first understand what parasites are inside the patient and whether they are present. To do this, there is a simple fingerprint test. If there are no more than 5 eosinophils in it, you can rest easy - there are no parasites in the body. If this value is higher than 5, a fecal analysis is taken for the worm eggs and treatment will be prescribed based on the results of the analysis. Medications for parasites have many unpleasant side effects: hair loss, seizures, kidney failure, hepatitis to cirrhosis of the liver, so they should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Common symptoms associated with the presence of parasites in general include nausea, fatigue, lethargy, pallor, irregular bowel movements, and constipation. These symptoms are more likely to indicate anemia or thyroid dysfunction. If they appear or persist for a while, the most reasonable thing to do is to see a doctor. And as a preventative measure - wash your hands more often.

Fear of parasites

Many people are completely sincere and are very afraid of parasites that seem to try to enter their bodies. Therefore, they are willing to spend a lot of money not only on parasite seekers, but also on "find" scammers, and then write a "recipe" for naive victims all sorts of dietary supplements and other means for imaginary helminths. Some people try to get rid of the parasites on their own with the help of garlic, onions and horseradish - at least the drugs obtained from them are safe. However, it is still unknown what will happen in the bank taken from future doctors.

The problem of parasitosis really exists, only in Asian, African and South American countries. Thus, in some Asian countries, the incidence of opisthorchiasis patients reaches 80%. Special measures are taken there to disinfect food and water. However, all this is not with us, tropical parasites do not survive in the indoor climate, although opisthorchiasis is very common in the Holon region. It is transmitted through both fish and cats and dogs that feed on these fish. But today we will talk about other parasites that can be infected in the middle lane. These parasites are roundworms and pinworms.

Ascarids and ascariasis

roundworm in the human body

Ascaris is a parasite only in humans. The parasite is a very long round worm with a yellowish-red color. The length of an adult male is 15-25 cm, the teeth are longer - up to 20-40 cm. If roundworms enter the human body, the disease develops ascariasis. At the same time, the gastrointestinal tract suffers more, but it is possible to damage other organs, such as allergic reactions. Ascariasis is very common, affecting 60-85 out of every 100, 000 people.

The life cycle of the roundworm: from the blood to the intestines

A sick person is not dangerous in terms of infection, because the infection occurs when an egg enters the body. Eggs are excreted in the feces and first grow in the soil. The eggs have a dense shell, so they can stay in the soil for up to seven years. You can become infected by eating vegetables, fruits or berries that have been exposed to Ascaris eggs. The parasite goes through a long period of movement in the body. First, larvae emerge from the swallowed eggs and enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. They pass through the bloodstream to the liver, heart, and then to the lungs and then to the pharynx. When the patient swallows them, the larvae in the gut turn into adult worms that can lay eggs.

Symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss

abdominal pain with parasites

Allergic manifestations come to the fore as the larvae pass through the body. Mechanical damage to the organs through which the larvae pass - the liver, blood vessels, lungs, intestines - is also possible. The patient may have a high fever, rash and pain in the liver, at the end of the migration phase - cough and shortness of breath. When roundworms settle in the intestines, the waste products are poisoned. In addition, the pointed tips of worms can damage or even pierce the intestines. Manifestations include abdominal pain, morning sickness, loss of appetite, and changes in stool. In addition, there is impaired well-being, poor sleep, headaches, increased fatigue and weight loss. The presence of ascaris in the intestine causes a lack of vitamins B6, A and C.

Diagnosis of ascariasis

Blood is taken for general analysis (increased eosinophils, increased ESR, sometimes anemia) and antibody test for diagnosis. Larvae can be found in the sputum of patients under a microscope. In the intestinal phase, ascaris eggs and sometimes the worms themselves are found in the feces.

Medications for ascariasis

Treatment of ascariasis does not require hospitalization, except in complex cases. Patients are given a diet rich in vitamins, low fat and carbohydrates. Food intake - four to five times a day. Antiparasitic drugs, antihistamines, probiotics and enzyme preparations are indicated.

Complications of ascariasis

complications related to parasites in the body

A complication of ascariasis may be intestinal obstruction due to the blockage of a worm ball. When Ascaris enters the bile duct, vomiting, jaundice, severe abdominal pain on the right occurs. According to the same principle, ascariasis pancreatitis, respiratory failure is possible in case of obstruction of the respiratory tract by parasites.

Pinworms and enterobiasis

Pinworms are semi-transparent white worms only 0, 5-1 cm long. One end of their body is pointed, which explains the name. They are mainly parasitic in the large intestine and can disappear over time without medication if self-infection does not occur. The fact is that in order to lay an egg, the female descends into the anus and does so in the perianal folds, then dies. In the patient, this process causes severe itching. If the patient does not wash his hands after scratching the itchy area, the eggs will fall on the canvas, surrounding objects, food and may remain under the nails. The patient can swallow pinworm eggs himself. This is how spontaneous infection occurs.

Symptoms: anal itching

anal itching with parasites

The main symptom is severe itching in the anus at night, because at this time the parasite lays eggs. With enterobiasis, symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract are possible: abdominal pain, nausea, increased gas production, and nervous system: fatigue, sleep disturbances, or insomnia (severe anal itching interferes with normal sleep). Pinworms can enter the female reproductive system and cause irritation, pain and discharge. And even causes a cough - if it penetrates the lower respiratory tract.

Diagnosis and treatment of enterobiasis

Basically, perianal folds (or the application of adhesive tape) are used, after which the resulting material is examined under a microscope. So find helminth eggs. In a blood test, as in ascariasis, there will be an increase in eosinophils, with the development of complications - signs of inflammation (increased leukocytes, increased ESR). Antiparasitic drugs are used for treatment. Some are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. The anus is lubricated with an anesthetic ointment to reduce itching. The most popular folk remedy is garlic.

Complications: dysbiosis, appendicitis

Complications will depend on the reaction of the body and the number of parasitic worms. Possible dysbiosis, appendicitis, vaginitis, salpingitis, endometritis (inflammation of the appendages).

Prevention of ascariasis and enterobiasis

washing vegetables and fruits as a preventive measure against parasites


  • to identify and treat patients in a timely manner;
  • loosen sandboxes (eggs cannot tolerate direct sunlight);
  • wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating;
  • Wash vegetables, fruits, berries.


  • iron the laundry, especially the folds;
  • clean the apartment with disinfectants;
  • to provide the patient with a private bed and a place to sleep;
  • It is important for children to cut their nails short.