Symptoms and treatment of worms in children

Worms in children – this is a problem we are faced with almost all parents. Parasites on the body in different ways, and disrupt the function of internal organs and systems, their waste products provoke the development of poisoning and allergies.

Most children are infected by different helminth species, infection occurs when poor hygiene, through everyday objects. The incubation period is 3-6 weeks, during this period, the number of parasites increases significantly, resulting in negative symptoms.


How people become infected with worms:

  • consumption of dirty water, unwashed vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • contact with Pets and homeless animals;
  • flies, mosquitoes carry parasite eggs;
  • games dirty sand, earth;
  • infection of worms by contacting the eggs survive in the environment (if the child took a dirty object, then touched his hand to his mouth, the parasites penetrate the gastrointestinal tract);
  • use products without appropriate heat treatment;
  • intrauterine infection from the mother.

The main route of infection of helminths and fecal-oral route, the larvae enter the body through dirty hands, food and water.

The first signs and symptoms of worms

Symptoms of helminthiasis depends on the solution to parasites are often signs of infection confused with flu, food poisoning, intestinal infections, allergies.

  1. The shuttle from the stomach through the blood, enter the liver and lungs, after 3 weeks, move back to the intestine.
  2. Pinworms crawl out to lay eggs in the anal area, so can live in the genital organs.
  3. Some species of parasites affect the liver and pancreas.
  4. Some of tapeworm and penetrate the brain tissue.

How to understand that the child has worms:

  • long-term constipation may be due to the accumulation of parasites in the intestine;
  • upset chair – worms produce a special enzyme that speeds up the digestion process in humans, the undigested food comes out with plenty of water;
  • swelling – worm infestation flatulence continue for several months;
  • nausea, vomiting, increased salivation;
  • the decrease or sudden increase in appetite, weight which case it is reduced;
  • irritable bowel syndrome – the underlying long-term worm infestations develop inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Parasites
  • abdominal pain – often localized in the navel or under the ribs on the right side;
  • anemia, vitamin deficiency – worms absorb nutrients, interfere with their normal absorption, the body suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • skin problems occur due to severe poisoning of the body's waste products helminths – warts, acne, urticaria, diathesis;
  • the deterioration of the nails, the hair;
  • cough, headache, and other symptoms of rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids.

Worm infestation in the changing emotional state of the child – he becomes Moody, irritability, sleep disorders, teenagers have a depressive condition.

Signs of helminthiasis, depending on the parasite

In addition to the General symptoms, some kinds of worms provoke the appearance of specific symptoms.

In enterobiasis

When infection occurs severe itching in the anal area, which increases during sleep, allowing the child often wakes up on the background of fatigue, deteriorating memory, reduced school success. Pathology is often accompanied by watering of the girls developing inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, strong infection possible inflammation of the appendix.

Enterobiasis can cause anal itching


Especially acute in young children, against insect infestation, the temperature rises to 38 degrees celsius, it is dry cough and phlegm is orange in color, sometimes there is enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, liver. One of the most important features of the appearance of the rash on the skin of the feet and hands.

For opisthorchiasis

Affect the long-term temperature rise high, expressed allergic reactions, pain in the joints.


Accompanied by severe cough, asthma attacks, itchy rash, ample, it can damage the cornea.

If the child is often sick with colds, the pathology of poorly match medical treatment may be the cause of the unpleasant symptoms caused by the infection of worms. To accurately identify parasites to help with diagnosis.

Tests for worms in children

The main method of diagnosis – analysis of feces and scraping, but this method allows to identify only a small number of parasites, if the results are negative, but the child had signs of helminthiasis, it is necessary to perform a thorough research.


  • scraping of duct tape to the anal folds – do in the morning, the child should not bathe, empty the intestines;
  • coprogram analysis pass three times at intervals of 5-7 days;
  • CBC – determine the number of eosinophils, hemoglobin;
  • chest x-ray, sputum test- if you suspect parasites in the organs of the respiratory system;
  • MRI, CT, ultrasound, you can see the worms in the brain, the liver, the lungs.

CT gives the opportunity to clearly understand — is worms or not

One of the most reliable methods for the diagnosis of worm infestation – ELISA in the blood to detect antibodies and antigens of parasites, to determine the level of their concentration. Accuracy of the analysis, more than 95%, to determine the presence of any helminth, regardless of the place of their localization. To know the results for 2-3 days.


The main advantage of the method is to detect the parasite a few hours after infection, long before signs of helminthiasis.

Infants rarely suffer from worm infestation, the risk group includes children aged 2 to 7 years. Infants can get infected by the parasites only to family members.

How to pull worms from the child at home?

The detection of the parasite in a child should immediately begin treatment to avoid serious complications. An additional method of treatment it is possible to use the means of alternative medicine.

First aid

The best thing parents can do, if you suspect parasites in children – visit infectious disease specialist, or pediatrician. Any powerful antiparasitic products made without preliminary diagnosis unnecessary and dangerous.

Before the results of the analysis can be carried out only symptomatic treatment.

Vomiting, diarrhea no need to hurry with the medication, the body tries to get rid of all unnecessary, just give the child more fluids to avoid dehydration.

Treatment medications

The mainstay of treatment worm infestations are parasites of the products, medications released in the form of tablets, suspensions in the form of suppositories, which allows you to choose a safe and effective remedy for children of any age.

Additional drugs for worm infestation:

  • sorbents speed up the process of cleansing the body, restoring the balance of intestinal microflora.
  • bile drugs are prescribed to defeat the parasite, liver, gallbladder;
  • laxatives eliminate constipation, promote the elimination of parasites;
  • drug to restore the functions of the digestive system;
  • antihistamines;
  • many vitamin complexes.

Because most drugs do not affect the activity of the parasite eggs, take drugs need three times at intervals of 15-20 days. Diagnosis of helminthiasis in children, treatment should occur in all family members at the same time.

The fight against helminthiasis folk remedies

The methods of traditional medicine helps to cleanse the body, eliminate inflammation, reduce the symptoms of poisoning, strengthen the immune system. But only with the help of popular recipes to get rid of the worms difficult and often impossible, to reasonably combine them with medications.

Simple recipes for home remedies:

  1. Pour 220ml of boiling water 20 grams of flax seeds and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml before Breakfast and dinner throughout the week.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. crushed chamomile flowers 280 ml of boiling water, leave covered container to cool. The entire dose of the drug and drink during the day, treatment is continued for 5 days. This is the safest recovery tool functions after gastrointestinal helminth infections.
  3. Brew 1 teaspoon of powder of dry sage 500 ml of boiling water, cool, strain. Give children 20 ml of the drink three times a day 30 minutes before a meal.
  4. Pour 1 liter of boiling water for 5 kg of fresh sorrel, then simmer the mixture in a water bath 2 hours, strain. Take 2 SIPS before each meal.
  5. Clean the pomegranate medium size, finely chop the peel, pour 500 ml of water, simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Strain, divide into 3 parts, give the child 1 part every half hour. After 3 hours, you need to drink a laxative.
Flax seeds

Most parasites survive poorly in acidic medium, for the treatment of worm infestation include in the menu of sauerkraut, the juice of sour berries and fruits. Speed up the cleaning process, strengthen the immune system, helps fresh carrots and juice. At the time of treatment totally abstain from cakes and quick carbohydrates.

Prevention of worm infestation in children

To reduce the risk of helminth infections, from an early age encourage your child to observe the basic rules of hygiene and frequently wash your hands thoroughly after streets, visiting the toilet, before eating and after contact with animals. Not to bring dirty hands to the face, do not pull on the fingers, objects in mouth.

Prevention methods:

  • do not give your baby tap water, products without appropriate heat treatment;
  • all fruits and vegetables should be washed with hot water, bring to a boil, heavily contaminated products can be soaked for 7 to 15 minutes in a soda solution;
  • walk-to-use spray and wipes antiseptic action;
  • short cut nails of the kid;
  • avoid swimming in freshwater bodies of standing water;
  • protection of food, protection from flies, not on the street;
  • treat the leather, clothing, mosquito repellent;
  • regular antiparasitic treatment of Pets.

Important! About the appropriateness of the medication for the prevention of worm infestation doctors constantly argue. Some experts recommend drinking medications for all children of preschool and younger school age twice a year, other pediatricians are against this method, because of the anti-parasites-toxic, it is impossible to predict when the infection.

Worms in children is encountered frequently, timely diagnosis and treatment will help to quickly remove the parasite. Of drugs to combat parasites can be bought from pharmacies without prescription, but self-medication is dangerous – the wrong dosage can cause a malfunction of the brain, nervous system, kidneys, liver.