Treatment and prevention of parasites in the human body

Parasitesare the simplest types of bacteria that live on the food of another organism and parasitize on it. They feed on ready-made organic substances produced by others.

There are currently more than twenty parasitic life forms that can inhabit the bodies of animals or humans.

All of them can enter our body and cause many diseases and infections. Often, these bacteria are found in children because they do not have such a high level of immunity when they come in contact with animals and some dirty things.

Do you remember a small child often taking everything in his mouth?

These substances can be dangerously harmful. This article describes the parasites in the human body, how to treat infectious diseases, and what you need to do to prevent harmful bacteria from entering your body.

In which organs can parasitic bacteria live in the human body?

parasites in the human body

The human body and skin contain the simplest bacteria, which can be single-celled or multicellular.

Parasites that live in the body are called ectoparasites. These include bed bugs, lice and similar itching pathogens. Others are called endoparasites because they live in the human body. These include amoebae, worms and insect larvae.

The second is the most dangerous, the first is just unpleasant.

Internal parasites often cause serious illness and are more difficult to get rid of than external ones. Medicine has already found many ways to get rid of them, and at the same time has extensive experience in the treatment of parasites in the human body.

Each of the parasites has an ideal place in the human body, where there are all the conditions for a parasitic lifestyle, that is, the nutrients necessary for growth and reproduction. Some may move as they grow older.

Endogenous parasites are most common in the intestines, muscles, blood, lungs, heart and liver. Some species even live in nerve tissue. Ectogenic parasites live on the skin.

How can parasites enter the body?

ways of infection with parasites

The first methodis for bacteria to enter the body through food and water. Sometimes microorganisms begin to multiply there because they are contaminated or contaminated. Insects such as flies and cockroaches also carry many harmful bacteria. Some foods are initially contaminated - raw fish or unprocessed meat. Livestock meat is often infected with parasites, so humans do not eat it raw.

Second- contact house. In this case, the parasites are transmitted from humans, household items or animals. Infectious bacteria are often carried by open animals - dogs, cats, birds and rats.

Thirdis a mosquito-borne infection. In our country and in many other regions, this rarely happens, and in most cases, infected mosquitoes live in warm countries. Fourth, some insects enter the human body independently. They gnaw on the skin and penetrate the muscle tissue or blood, and then go to the place where the best living conditions are.

What are the symptoms of parasites?

how parasites affect human organs

Parasites in the human body can cause completely different symptoms - from insignificant insomnia to skin damage. For example, ectoparasites often cause skin damage and itching. Endoparasites in the lungs often cause coughing. When in the intestines, constipation, vomiting, or diarrhea may be bothersome.

However, the most common symptoms of parasites in humans are: insomnia, general fatigue, headaches, and sometimes allergic reactions. Very often people use folk remedies, but they are not always pleasant, for example, not everyone can drink a glass of sauerkraut juice with worms.

Consider the symptoms of different types of parasites:

  • The most common parasites for humans are worms or roundworms. They cause attacks of intestinal and stomach pain, irritability, insomnia and anxiety, and sometimes dizziness. They are very simple to detect, can be seen in feces, or can get a positive test result in an egg worm;
  • This is followed by a very dangerous parasite - tapeworm. Often there is discomfort or pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, wild appetite (you eat too much, but you do not gain weight), pain in the liver, and worms in the stool;
  • If a person has pinworms, he has anorexia, insomnia, nervousness and itching in the anus.

Why are parasites dangerous?

Disrupts the function of organs, causes inflammation and destruction of tissues. Produce toxins that destroy the body.

A pest that parasitizes you can cause vitamin deficiency, general weakness and decreased immunity in both adults and children. It is very dangerous for children to have such a parasite, because they slow down their development. It is often difficult to get rid of parasites in the body, because they have a tendency to adapt to the environment and do not want to leave their usual home.

How to treat parasites?

medicines for parasites

To get rid of parasites, you must first consult a doctor. Will prescribe a special drug or a more natural remedy.

There is also treatment with folk remedies, but it is recommended to carry out in symbiosis with drugs.

Medical Treatment

Doctors have long found an effective treatment for parasites in humans.

The most effective and common drugs to get rid of pests are drugs based on synthetic components. All of them are very effective in the treatment of worms and various roundworms.

Some drugs are in pill form, while others are in liquid form. Dosage is prescribed only by a doctor, it is impossible to do yourself without side effects. In addition, there are differences in the age of the patients to whom the medication is prescribed.

In the modern world, there is another way to treat people with parasites. It is called oxygen and appeared relatively recently; carried out only in hospitals under medical supervision. First, the patient is cleansed of the intestines using enemas, and then oxygen is injected by probe. Once the stomach and rectum are filled with oxygen, the parasites die. Unlike this method, the patient treated with this method does not have any side effects.

Parasites: rapid treatment with folk remedies

traditional methods of treatment of parasites

You can cleanse various parasites in the human body with folk remedies, and some doctors even recommend some natural remedies to get rid of such pests.

The best known parasite treatment is pumpkin seeds. It contains many nutrients that are beneficial to humans and intestinal microflora, but destructive to the simplest pests. Finally, eat 20 grams of pumpkin seeds in the morning on an empty stomach to recover, then drink the laxative after 30-40 minutes.

Vegetable oils can be used as a natural laxative, the most common being coconut oil.

In adults, anthelmintic teas are used to treat parasites with folk remedies, and after cleansing the intestines with enemas. You can take wormwood, cloves, celandine or thyme to prepare the broth. Because they all have a sharp and bitter taste, they make the intestinal environment unsuitable for pests.

However, pay attention to the herbs that are mostly banned for pregnant women.

Diet to prevent parasites

diet for parasites

Everyone who encounters parasites knows how important rehabilitation and prevention are. To do this, the attending physician often prescribes a special diet. Separate meals are recommended when eating carbohydrates and proteins separately. Because if we eat them together, the stomach does not receive a clear signal of what needs to be digested and what enzymes are needed for this.

Digested food is an excellent food for parasites, so they continue to live and thrive.

For example, meat, legumes cannot be eaten with potatoes, pasta or bread. It is better to combine them with vegetables. If you want to eat carbohydrates and protein, take a break of 2 hours between intakes.

Can't give up your favorite sandwiches?

Eat them with grilled vegetables. Eat porridge often, they cleanse the body perfectly.

Body cleansing

abdominal pain with parasites

Some plants, which can often be sold in pharmacies, markets or supermarkets, will help to cleanse and remove unwanted parasites from the body.

For the first method, you will need green walnut shells. If you live in a hot region, you can probably find walnut trees and pick unripe fruits from them. Take 15 nuts, peel them and cover with vodka. Leave to infuse for a month in a dark and dry place. Then one drop of tincture is diluted in half a glass of water and drink.

Gradually increase the dose by one drop every day for seven days. After that, gradually increase the intake to 2 x teaspoons, take the drug twice a day. Continue to take 2 teaspoons tincture twice a day throughout the year. This is a fairly long cleaning course, but very effective.

An easier way is to use clove seeds. They should be turned into a powder. Take one and a half teaspoons of this powder at a time. Gradually reduce the dose over ten days, you should reach a teaspoon at the end of the period.

Various fresh juices will help cleanse the intestines. For example, carrots, cucumbers, lemons, beets, apples - all these juices, when eaten on an empty stomach, create a certain environment in the stomach and remove parasites from the body.