Effective methods of cleansing the body of parasites at home

We rarely think about the amount of parasites living in our body – there are many videos on the Internet, where you can see with your own eyes.


First of all, of course, helminths (worms), the presence of which may not even suspect, but the bot does not go to a more difficult step, and disorders of the digestive system and other organs, discomfort and poor health blame anything, including the environment.

Why and when to make cleaning of organism from parasites

Years our body accumulates a lot of toxins, and the mass of toxins is a process of vital activity of the parasite, and slowly poison him.

Many do not want to go to the doctors and unaware of the presence of worms, I prefer to clean themselves.

However, cleansing the body of parasites at home is not only very important, but requires specific knowledge.

Parasites together with worms, which is known to all, also includes a variety of fungi, viruses, protozoa, etc., which several tens or hundreds.

And worms do not necessarily live in the digestive tract, the place of localization of several species can be any body even the heart and brain.

Their vital tasks in the human body, not only to deprive him of part of the nutrients in the food, but is also the cause of his poisoning by toxins released by parasites.

Parasites, in particular worms may show the following symptoms:

  • malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, with abdominal pain, nausea, sometimes constipation and/or diarrhea;
  • a sharp change in body mass (most commonly downwards, but sometimes it is too much weight) high or, on the contrary, decreased appetite;
  • a feeling of constant fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • disorders of the liver and gallbladder;
  • decreased hemoglobin in the blood until the anemia;
  • Allergy, which was noted most often in the form of skin rashes;
  • the decline of the immune system's defenses.

But, as already mentioned, the helminth species an incredible amount, and effective treatment is necessary to find out what their kind of parasites in the body.

Without laboratory tests it is impossible, and they are not always the first time gives reliable results, so before you start cleansing the body, it is highly recommended to pass the necessary tests several times.

We must not forget that the most dangerous worm infections are typically asymptomatic, and only their timely detection can often prevent death.

But even if the helminthiasis and the threat of such dire consequences, it is able to poison the life, and therefore, to get rid of him by all appropriate means, medicine, or folk remedies at home.

Where to start? First, medical attention and the delivery addressed to the the tests. Secondly, when cleaning is necessary not only the body but the surrounding space, such as the eggs of worms can get into its dusty carpet, floor coverings, bedding, furniture, surfaces, etc. and keep vitality at home.

You will also need:

  • carefully observe measures of personal hygiene;
  • put products, such as meat and fish to sufficient heat processing, and fruits and vegetables, how to wash.

This, of course, not all measures for the prevention of helminthiasis, but they help to reduce the risk of re-charging.

Methods of cleansing the body

Hardly anyone can say with certainty, what is the best cleaning, especially at home.

The drugs work quicker, many of them do not accept the time, usually repeat the reception for two weeks, but do not forget about the contraindications and side effects.

Treatment of folk remedies, as a rule, is provided by the course, from one to several weeks, but it is more gentle.

Before you choose a method of cleansing the body of parasites at home, it is recommended to look at the recipe, therapy, possible contraindications, and choose the one that is most effective against a certain type of bot, who diagnosed you or your loved ones.


Note that some tools are not suitable for children, you also need to figure out the exact dosage and the dosage and not change them.

If you find the individual intolerance of any of the funds, treatment should be stopped and choose another.

Great things about cleansing the body of parasites Semenova. As the candidate of biological Sciences, Nadezhda Semenova is considered a folk healer, such as the subtleties of the studied properties of natural foods, plants, herbs, etc., used in folk medicine for.

On this basis it has developed a comprehensive method of cleansing the body of parasites, which contains several aspects, including a proper diet to get rid of toxins and deprivation of the parasite a favourable nutrient medium, which is created sweets, cakes and other products.

Cleanse to become effective, it is best to switch to a vegetarian diet with plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters of water a day).

When accurately diagnosed with type bot, the program is repeated time interval depends on the life cycle of the particular parasites.

He usually dies, but the body can stay in its larvae and eggs, which can develop in adults.

Thus, the course must be repeated several times at intervals of 18-20 days: for example, when the pinworm twice, when ascarid and vlasoglavah four.


Currently, there are a lot of drugs against parasites: some of them are effective against certain types of worms, for example, either round or tapeworms, or flukes, others have a wide spectrum of action.

However, it should be clear that the effectiveness of the treatment will inevitably cause negative effects on the body due to poisoning by drugs, by nature, more or less.

Therefore, to minimize the effects of helminthiasis and medicinal treatment is usually carried out comprehensively, in three stages: preparation, the actual anti-worms and recovery.

In the complex therapy include to prevent intoxication from massive death of the parasites. they also help to overcome the negative effects of parasites on the body.

Popular folk remedies

Cleanse the body of parasites at home using a variety of folk remedies, mostly foods and herbs pungent, bitter and spicy taste, that's exactly what absolutely can't stand worms. On this basis, the cleansing effect.


  • Enemas to miss a few cloves of garlic passed through the press, pour a glass of warm water, to insist night and in the morning strain and do an enema. Repeat for 5 days.
  • 0.25 Cup of grated horseradish and minced garlic and stir, pour 1 liter of water, infuse for 10 days. Taking half an hour before meals for 1 tablespoon x 3 times a day.
  • 12 drops of fresh garlic juice diluted in 200 ml of warm milk and take a half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course is 7 days.
  • A peeled clove of garlic paste at night to the anus, in the morning remove.

Herbs (wormwood, tansy, cloves, etc.).

  • Mix the chopped dried herbs: tarragon (30 grams), cloves (50 g) and tansy (100 g). Take half an hour before eating according to the program: 1 day 1 time 1 teaspoon, 2-day – double-1 teaspoon, 3. from day, three times a day 1 teaspoon.
  • 2 tablespoons dried flowers of tansy pour boiling water (1 l), infuse, strain and take before meals 0.5 x tablespoon 3 times a day.


30 g of baking soda, pour 800 ml water and dissolve. First do a cleansing enema with 2 liters of plain water, then introduce a solution of soda and try to keep the bowel at least half an hour.

After defecation again to repeat the cleansing enema with plain water. Repeat 7-8 times.

Brandy and castor oil.

Mix 50 ml of brandy and castor oil (full cups), 2-3 days to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. To avoid dehydration it is recommended to drink more water.

Liver cleanse olive oil and lemon juice.

Prepare 200 ml of olive oil (warm) and 200 ml of juice squeezed from a ripe lemon. Before going to bed put a heating pad on the liver every 15 minutes to drink a SIP of oil and juice. In the morning along with the feces is stagnant bile and many other harmful substances.

(Attention! Currently available drugs, which are more mild.)



Cleansing the body of parasites, even at home, in any case, is under stress, particular, which increase the release of toxins from the mass death of worms.

Therefore, contraindications for it are many:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular, urogenital and endocrine systems;
  • Oncology;
  • temporary anti-flu and SARS.

Even if you do not suffer from these diseases, you should consult with your doctor if you body cleansing folk remedies.