Looks like worms in humans photos

Types of worms that affect the internal organs, called helminths (worms). According to statistics, to date, helminth infections affect about 30% of the total population. Toxic worms can affect any part of the body. It is dangerous, not just diseases that can cause worms. Their presence in the body can lead to death.

worms in the human body

So far the bot is quite a treat to not only medical preparations, but also folk remedies. For each there are different methods of treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to know and understand what are the different types of worms, the symptoms, to take timely measures.

Classification of helminths

Parasitic worms are divided into two main categories: intestinal and tissue.

The first species is found directly in the gut. This group includes:

  • ascarids and pinworms;
  • hook-and Giardia;
  • vlasoglavy and dwarf tapeworm;
  • beef tapeworm and broad tapeworm;
  • the pork tapeworm.

The tissue of the worms can settle in any organ of the human body of parasites for many years. These are:

  • cysticerci and flukes;
  • Trichinella and pay for the Hive;
  • Echinococcus and the alveolar of.


Are the most common and tricky types of worms that live in the small intestine in an adult or a child. Infection of this species of worm is called ascariasis.

Before you get into the small intestine, roundworm, make your way to the entire body of the organism. Once infected with the larvae of the species to penetrate into the bloodstream, and then into the lungs, where they Mature.

The first day of the attack, people began to feel malaise, nervousness, fever, shortness of breath, cough and chest pain. These symptoms justify the fact that initially the worms stop the respiratory system.

Infection can occur by drinking raw water sources, which are poorly processed fresh fruits and vegetables. In the summer, increases the risk of injury.


Small worms, which settle in the intestine, causing a disease called enterobiasis. The worms lay their eggs in the anal passage. Eggs turn into larvae and can return to the body only through the mouth.

Re-infection occurs due to contact with dirty hands of food that he eats. Symptoms of infection can be itching around the anus and irritability.

Important! A carrier is a person.


Infection occurs through broken skin in contact with the ground, the living larvae of these species of worms. These parasites, before we get into the intestine made in the same way as roundworm.

Symptoms may include cough, abdominal pain, nausea and violation of the chair. This type of helminths may cause anemia.



Giardiasis advancing people, who have the habit of nail biting and other objects (pens, pencils). Infection can also occur if drinking contaminated water, unwashed food, through contact with dirty Laundry, which can contain caterpillars, and is a carrier of the disease.

Symptoms may be diarrhea and abdominal pain.


trichocephalosis occurs during infection with larvae of the whipworm. They get inside along with raw fruits and vegetables. Dirty hands and water are also carriers.

Attack is associated with acute abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Often symptoms of infection are similar to symptoms of appendicitis.

Beef tapeworm

One of the most dangerous types of worms, parasites in the colon. Adult worm up to several meters long. The individual takes away from the human body all the nutrients and produces a strong intoxication.

The symptoms of infestation are:

  • diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • restless sleep;
  • dizziness and fainting.

The risk of getting beef tapeworm infection occurs by eating insufficiently cooked beef infected by bovine tapeworm larvae.


The reason difillobotrioz eating poorly processed fish products and caviar. The Virus that causes the disease is one of the largest and it can reach ten meters. Symptoms of infection are severe abdominal pain and anemia.

Pork tapeworm

Infection with this helminth species is extremely dangerous to humans. Eat the pig meat, which has not passed sufficient heat treatment, can cause if swallowed Finn that become fully grown.

The body of the pork tapeworm periodically separate the so-called segments, which are able to independently leave the body through the anus or in the feces into the environment. Taenia in its similar to the symptoms of infection beef tapeworm.

Pay To The Caves

Opisthorchiasis caused by the ingestion of larvae human liver Fluke along with the infected fish.

Signs of the presence of opisthorchiasis:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • aches throughout the body;
  • the occurrence of Allergy.

More serious symptoms are chronic. This type of parasite threatens the development of liver cancer.



The worm settles in the body, most commonly the liver or lungs. Echinococcus can cause the formation of cysts on the body and the appearance of tumors. Infection can be fatal. The larvae are transmitted to humans through contact with sick animals.


They are prone in the first place, people who eat poorly processed meat of wild animals. The operator of Trichinella can also be pigs. The habitat of the adult human body are different muscles, (respiratory, face, etc.).

The initial stage of nausea and diarrhea. Later symptoms of an attack are temperature, swelling, skin rashes, muscle pain. Infection this type of the parasite without timely treatment, can cause death.

Symptoms of different worms

Mainly when infected with helminths is the loss of the gastrointestinal tract and disruption of their work. Some worms have hooks, which stick to the intestinal wall, tearing it and produce open sores in the products of its life and particularly substances, which negatively affect the digestive system and provoke the emergence of a people are so negative symptoms, such as nausea, culminating in vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, bloating and flatulence. May appear, and neurological symptoms, sleep disturbances and irritability due to poisoning by toxic waste of all kinds of worms. The severity of these symptoms depends on the duration of the infected person. Each varieties of worms has its own characteristic clinical picture. In order to avoid errors when determining the type of hit patient of the parasite, should be more to consider, what are the signs, due to a general medical condition:

  • Most of the shuttle is characterized by the presence of pain, there is no accurate localization, nausea and belching, disorders of the chair. Such worms, such as pinworms, striking most often in children, provokes the appearance of severe itching in the anus. The description of this class of parasites you can see that the clinical picture caused by them, and is characterized by the occurrence in humans, common symptoms of expressed toxicosis and allergies;
  • Infection in humans provokes the flat worms is the appearance of dysuric disorders. The acute form of a pathology characterized by the increase in the size of liver and spleen, and if the transition of this species helminth infection in the chronic stage, patients show clear symptoms of colitis;
  • The presence of the human body worms, flukes characterized by diseases of the liver, pancreatitis and hepatitis. They also provoke the appearance of symptoms associated with severe neurological disorders.

What kind of worms in children?

General child with worms, without special tools visible in the stool are roundworms and pinworms. These parasites affect children the most. Knowing the causes symptoms and pictures, what their Mature individuals in the stool, can immediately suspect that their presence and prevent the emergence of irreversible disorders in the human body.

In Calais, the children can meet not only single representatives of this type of worms, but also the intricacies of parasitic worms. Their larvae may migrate with blood flow, damaging the walls of the lungs, bronchi and vessels in the case of penetration into the pancreas and liver, they can cause pancreatitis or hepatitis. An accurate diagnosis for children and adults, one must examine the stool, which should identify the presence of parasite eggs. But it is quite difficult, because the process of reproduction of these species of worms doesn't happen every day.

treatment of parasites

The type and treatment of helminths

Universal methods of destruction of the parasites so far, does not exist. Approach to the treatment of worms in humans is always strictly individual. Possible therapy, medication, drugs, surgery or the use of traditional methods. Final of tactics of treatment prescribed by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis and to identify the species of parasitic worms. All management measures for the destruction of worms, for both children and adults should be given only by a specialist. Self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated. Treatment of helminthiasis should be implemented gradually and comprehensively. It consists of the following steps:

  • The preparatory phase;
  • The destruction of the parasites;
  • Restore their functions.

The initial stage of use of sorbents, aiding in the binding and excretion of toxins from various species of worms, and vegetable oil. Next, you need to start taking drugs that destroy the parasite. The last patient is attached to the enzyme products intended for cleansing the digestive system. They help to eliminate toxins, prevent caused by certain types of worms, destroys liver cells and speed up the restoration of its structure.

In that case, if the parasite is detected in a child, treatment courses, to get rid of them is necessary for all family members. This helps prevent the formation of a nidus for the infection of any worms by continuously infecting each other with their eggs. Also in this situation it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of health procedures and personal hygiene. Only if all rules in a short time to get rid of parasites and prevent the spread of the infection.

Diagnostics of helminthiasis

Tests for helminths

Diagnosis of helminth infections is complex and based solely on a holistic examination of the person, with the application of different laboratory techniques. All the investigation methods used to identify helminths, are divided into three groups:

  • Morphological diagnosis (microscopic examination of tissue obtained during biopsy or puncture of various organs);
  • Clinical, immunological and serological diagnosis (ultrasound of various organs, tomography, x-ray, blood tests, urine, RSK, ELISA, etc.);
  • Parasitological methods (are the most informative and useful in the diagnosis of helminths, since they can be used to detect eggs, larvae, or worms of various biological fluids, such as feces, urine, blood, gastric juice, bile, vomit, slippers, intestinal mucus, etc.).

Morphological diagnosis is rare, only when there is a suspicion of helminthiasis, in which the parasites can be the thickness of the tissue, for example, cysticercosis, trichinosis, etc. Clinical, immunological and serological methods are also used for the detection of helminths localized in the thickness of visceral (eg, lungs, liver, brain, etc.). In all other cases, to diagnose helminths use a variety of techniques can help you immediately to create a kind of worm that caused the disease.

tests for parasites

When the primary mass surveys for the detection of helminth infections have always used Parasitological techniques and only after that, when you suspect an infection of parasites, which are located deep in the internal organs, in addition to the production of morphological diagnostic or clinical, immunological and serological methods. So if you suspect a bot you should first make a study of the specialized laboratory.

Prevention of helminthiasis should strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene: always wash hands before eating, after using the toilet or contact with animals, not to eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, half raw meat or fish products. Do not drink water from open reservoirs. To destroy flies and other insects carrying the eggs of worms.